I have 2 Wan connections, DSL and Cable Modem. I am only registered on suse-linux-e through the DSL. My From address in my mail client is set
my DSL address ( If I switch to Cable Modem and
to the list from there, I get what you're showing here. In that case,
email is originating from the cable modem network but using the DSL SMTP (and DSL account email address). For some reason, suse-linux-e doesn't
On Friday, July 01, 2005 @ 6:34 AM, Art Fore wrote: post the like
mail that is sent through an SMTP that is on a different network from where the originating mail comes from.
Greg Wallace
I tried also from the comcast webmail,, still rejected even without the other info in the eaders.
Just prior to this post, I connected through my other WAN and sent a post. Let's see what happens. It should hit before this one does. Greg Wallace