Hi Jos, I'm still in trouble. On Sunday 22 May 2005 20:31, Jos van Kan wrote:
Colin Carter wrote:
Thanks for the above reference. However, I will have to power up my old XP laptop to view it because my Konqueror only shows me the source, making life a little difficult :-)
Oh boy. In Linux there's always another way. :-) Install Opera, Mozilla or Firefox for browsing. Never ever fire up XP again if you can help it. :-)
I didn't find an rpm for kde3base, but I did find one for kdebase3.
Sorry, typo. kdebase3 it is.
Do you think that I should re-install? I am a newbie, so I guess I won't needing kdelibs3-devel ? Do I need to un-install anything, or just try installing over the top?
Before reinstalling anything let's make sure that it isn't your *configuration* that's hosed, because if it is, reinstalling won't help you. Rename .kde to .kde_old, Log out and log in again. KDE then will reinstall a clean configuration for all applications. Now test konqueror again. If it *still* balks about khtml then I think you should reinstall kdelibs3 and kde-addons3, although I cannot figure how you could break the system by just changing the preferences. If the clean configuration works OK you can either keep that and reconfigure the other apps, like kmail and your desktop. Alternatively you could try to find which configuration file exactly broke the donkey's back by exchanging suspect files from working to non working configuration. My experience is that the first plan takes a lot less time. :-)
Jos van Kan www.josvankan.tk
I did your rename trick and it fixed things, but upset a lot of other things :-) In particular it broke my email configuration, so I am back and forth with reboots. When I point Konqueror to a web site it opens the site's home page, displaying the html information. Then I click on a indexed item (or on an html file on my disc) and I get the message: KDEInit could not launch 'KHTML': Could not find 'KHTML' executable. Neither can I. "Find" turns up nothing. Browsing through "File Associations" turns up no sign of it. However, if, while browsing my disc with Konqueror, I right click on an html file, then select "Preview In", the menu offers me KHTML and does the full display thingy. (How the h... can Konqueror find it sometimes and not others?) I know that I am a newbie, but I do wish that Linux programmers would clearly document exactly where things are located, especially configuration files for their code. Config files seem to be scattered throughout the place instead of in one place. Or at least some cross referencing such as a comment "See also..." Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions as to where I might find KHTML? Regards, Colin PS: Jos, I hope you had a good holiday.