On Tuesday 03 May 2005 03:15, Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Monday 02 May 2005 23:32, Susemail wrote:
Hi Jack Belkin F1DD102U OmniView™ SOHO Series DVI or USB KVM Switch with Audio
And it lists for the low, low price of only $244.95! ($190 on Amazon.com.) Nor did it did get very favorable reviews on Amazon.com (<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000ALFAZ>). And beware the dreaded power brick (especially hard to justify for a USB device, which could draw its power via that connection to the PC).
Randall, I'm surprised the reviews are that bad. I use it between my two Linux boxes. I've used it for two years with no problem. It's true fitting four connections inside this space would be tight but I had no problems that I needed to change the case to solve. The fact that it doesn't work with wireless well, I still have strong reservations about wireless security so I don't use it. But I'm always looking for a better deal. Can you recommend a DVI, USB, KVM switch? Jerome