Well, now I'm REALLY puzzled. I had already checked everything in the BIOS exhaustively, but I'll go back and have another look. I've managed to install 7.3 with no trouble at all on my wife's Pentium-III computer -- but the best that I have been able to do on my Pentium-4 machine is to install it DEFECTIVELY (as described in my original message) by using SuSE's adjusted-image bootdisk for version 7.0 On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 16:38:59 -0600, Sergei Rodionov wrote:
Dunno.. Worked totally ok for me with P4 1.5Ghz processor - i installed/reinstalled 7.3pro numerious times in past few weeks, playing around with distribution and kernel options, and i never had a single problem that has been described in original message.
IMHO - i have doubts that its CPU type that cause troubles.. Check your bios settings for cpu type, OS type.. (i am sorry if i am sound as ye old professor, but.. :) )
Cheers, Sergei