Alan Riggins wrote:
I'm running SuSE 5.2, and have some questions about ftp. I haven't modified the default setup done by yast at installation time. I use a cable modem, so it's set up like a lan.
Right now, anyone can do an anonymous ftp login to my machine. I'd like to keep this feature so fellow students at my university can upload/download programs and files, unless there's a security concern.
How secure is this setup? Am I susceptible to hacking? If so, how do I eliminate anonymous logins?
Where is the directory tree for an anonymous ftp login? I've looked, but can't find it.
thanks, Alan Riggins
Anonymous ftp is fine. If you want to "true" security, disable anonymous ftp, and create individual ftp accounts only (not shell), and for your fellow students only. That should make it more auditable, in case of any hacker activity. Hope this helps. Good luck. Subba Rao - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e