Ok, I tried to -fdsk /dev/hdc7 to fix my Linux, but that didn't work, so I just uninstalled and reinstalled. I did a minimum install and it works just fine. I can see my Windows C: drive where I want to rescue the data. The only problem is that Linux acts like it won't mount my CD Burner drive and my CDROM drive. I right click, and click mount, and I come back with an error. But, if I left click on the drive, then it works? Also, I don't think XRoast loaded on my machine, how do I load that from YAST? I will do some reading up on the manuals this weekend, but anymore help will be great. I'm sure I'm gonna get this. Also, my e-mail response time will be a bit slower, cause my other Windows machine went into DLL hell and I can't access any of the icons on the desktop. When will my computer troubles end? thanks, -Chris Miller