Carlos E. R. ( wrote something I wish to comment : (news:<Pine.LNX.4.61.0506172247260.11566@nimrodel.valinor> posted on 17-juin-05 21:50:01)
So in the end, it seems the files were not missing as I thought, just "unavailable" (???) How could it be that Konqueror is hidding files to root ? How could it be that root is refused access to some files ?
If your partition is reiser, it is a known problem. You need to boot from the dvd, and run a "reiserfsck" on it. It is known that when a reiserfs part. gets corrupted, one of the symptoms is the "Permission denied" message to root.
Oh s..t. At installation time, I was thinking to use ext3 partitions instead. But then I saw the ReiserFS was default with Suse, and I opted for it. Thanks, I'm going to try that. AmigaPhil, world citizen. /No MS-HTML mail please/ PGP key: 0x9C07F6C1 -----BEGIN CARNIVORE TEASER----- The following garbage may or may not contain crypted message. At least you now know I'm an advocate for the respect of privacy. MUAWOEF3HcrhtER1pIlIP5FUvlapvVOJSVvVHvHABAyFHBHytIpzoUvMOz5SaSVTIGyWJHqM ykVEVIHLtnyzyxOp6Rtxt2FOOKlypRCGfJztLltMSHWbyYODxdjvIOOcnpDtEMyMjazDDIMn lFt0SW1vAFVzq5VODRzFLVlavqVldETxHEFR5ttKJpIJIpqqDHORU0FEIOVVvMNuRPb3tG== -----END CARNIVORE TEASER----- Windows NT: The world's only 80 megabyte Solitaire game!