Hi! Am Samstag, 11. März 2006 13:17 schrieb Mike:
SUSE has historically been a KDE distro, and from what I've read a fairly large majority of SUSE customers prefer KDE. In the last couple of years, Novell has put far more effort into the Gnome environment. This makes many people unhappy, as there are many valid reasons (perhaps not for you) why Gnome is a poor substitute for KDE. I myself have bought every SUSE box since 7.3 for use at work and home, but starting now I will just download OpenSUSE.
If you don't see the elimination of KDE from the Novell marketing and technology investment as a change worthy of discussion, well..."so what".
I do not understand the marketing anyway. SuSE, as you said, was linked to KDE, so most people that know and use SuSE, still link the name to KDE. So introducing NLD made sense to me, as it is a new name and hence not linked to KDE or Gnome. Yet using SuSE for a product with Gnome as default does not make sense to me, from a marketing perspective. Sven