On Friday 26 May 2006 16:50, Sinisa Bandin wrote:
I have tried ati 8.25.18 driver on my HP nx7010 laptop (Mobility Radeon 9200) and my desktop with Radeon 8500DV, and neither could be done. On laptop, I tried to download smaller rpm for x.org only and afer installation all I got is totaly garbled screen, with some out-of-range frequencies, "destroyed" all text consoles (either when I start with vga=normal, or vga=0x"some graphic mode"). All I could do is power off and back on, and return to original X.org driver. On desktop, I tried with larger (34.5MB) .run file, created rpm for SuSE 10.1, instaled it, and after starting "sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx"(as instructed in README.SuSE) screen switches to graphic mode, I can move mouse for about 3 seconds and then the machine freezes. All I can do is push reset button.
On third PC, with a generic Nvidia FX 5200 based card, everything "just happened" as it was supposed, Xgl is working great.
Any ideas about ATI are welcome, because I just cannot change laptop nor graphic card in desktop :(
I had a problem with my desktop computer which uses a Radeon 9600 card and an LCD monitor. Here's what I did to fix it. 1) Installed the fglrx_6_8_0-8.25.18-1.i386.rpm file with: rpm -i --nodeps fglrx_6_8_0-8.25.18-1.i386.rpm 2) Booted to init level 3 (add a 3 to your kernel boot line) 3) Issued: sax2 -l This was the tough part because sax2 comes up in 640x480 mode which the monitor doesn't handle very well. Try to set the params for your monitor (resolution, size, freqs) You need to get a sax2 built xorg.conf file that has the settings you want in them even if they don't work right. 4) Run the ati-driver-installer-8.24.8-x86.run file to create an ATI xorg.conf file. And it worked for me. I fiddled with other stuff for 4 days before doing the above and it worked.