I've got a hub and the transformer burned up. So as a replacement I got the type that has multi-value for the volts, ie from 0 to 12v. My hub uses 5v, but the transformer has only 4.5 and 6v. I put the dial about between the two. It works, but is this good? It also works when I set it at 6v, but could this be too much? Any ideas? Hi Jim, Right, first off, why did the xformer burn up? If it was a fault in
On Thursday 26 February 2004 17:06, James Hatridge wrote: the hub, then you have to watch out! It could cook another transformer and ... fire! On to this new one - is it a truly variable type, or is it a "select a voltage from the list. and slide a clicky slider to select". If it is the former, then just so long as (a) your hub is okay, and (b) the current rating is adequate on the transformer, then you should be fine. If it is the "clicky slidey" type then you could in fact be arcing the connection between the two and that is baaaaad - try the 4.5 volts and so long as you notice no problems, leave it at that. Make *SURE* your new transformer can handle the load- I have had one that I misread and a big melty mess was the result! It gave 1A output - the box I connected it to tried to take 10A..... Pretty amazing to watch, but not recommended for your health, or house insurance :g:.