-----Original Message----- From: plain <kanenas@hawaii.rr.com> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 00:46:30 -0800 Subject: Re: [SLE] [Fwd: VMWare 4.0 & Suse 9.0]
Thanx Alex, much appreciate your help. Sooo, should I remove these modules, bring in the 166 Kernel, then reinsert Km_vmare, then try to see if i can reinstall vmware without over-writing the suse supplied vmxxx.o modules? tia Dimitris
This is what I have done on three machines. 1. install the .144 kernel 2. copy the vm* modules from /lib/modules/<kernel>misc to a safe place 3. install the .166 kernel 4. copy the vm* modules from the 144 kernel to the the misc dir 5. start up vmware. No compiling of anything needed. I have used this with a system running the .166 kernel without rebooting even once. Ken