16 Aug
16 Aug
I just do what the SuSE Nvidia HowTo says, but after
snip A 'couple' of questions. Are you able to get a console when you press CTRL-ALT-F1 to F6 or do you get a black screen? Do you get a flashing multi-coloured screen when you press CTRL-ALT-F1 or when shutting down? Which CPU are you running, an Intel or and Athlon?
snip CTRL-ALT-F1 consoles all OK. No colour flashes. Running SuSE 8.2 Pro on Athlon 2000XP, Nvidia MX420, Nvidia 4496 driver. MSI 6593 mb, Gears FPS 1720. 1600x1200 screen (16-bit colours). Geoff