For many years – 20 or more - I’ve been installing without problems the Nvidia GEForce drivers in successive editions of openSUSE/Leap “the hard way”, using nVidia’s packages. Recently, however, however, something went wrong in a fresh installation of Leap 15.2. After installing the OS I’d disabled nouveau as normal and installed successfully. But every attempt to upgrade to later Nvidia versions failed. The installation would proceed without error messages or any other indication of problems, but a reboot would invariably default to a commandline only, with no X and no desktop (Plasma). Xorg.0.log said “(EE) NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module”, while dmesg showed this (typical): “NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 460.56, but this kernel module has the version 455.45.01”. But there was no indication why the mismatch was occurring (the nouveau stuff is properly disabled, so it wasn’t that). On the theory that maybe the earlier version had somehow become welded into the initrd and the Nvidia installer wasn’t smart enough to overcome this, I took a punt by installing Nvidia 460.56 and then running mkinitrd. Lo and behold, that cured the problem. But why would this happen when it had never happened before, across many installations of the proprietary Nvidia drivers over many years? Do I have to run mkinitrd for every Nvidia update henceforth? Out of curiosity if nothing else, any explanations would be gratefully received. -- Robin K Wellington "Harbour City" New Zealand