I don't own a laptop but I'll share my experiences trying to get my ATAPI PleXWriter 8/4/32 working. SuSE 7.1 recognized it as hdd. As hdd my SB PCI512 could play music CDs and I could access CDs on the drive. BUT, xcdroast would not recognize it because it wasn't scsi. So, I added scsi emulation to the kernel and an hdd=ide-scsi line to lilo. Now, I can burn CDs but I can't play music CDs, Also, the scsi emulation is intefering with my parallel zip250 installation, which worked when my PleXWriter was hdd. I get two scsi devices recognized at boot. And while my PleXWriter is scd0, it appears that scd1 isn't connecting to the Zip250 using mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd1 /zip or mount -t vfat /dev/scd1 /zip (because the iomega zip disk is vfat.) I'm between a rock and a hard place. If I were to design my beast again I would require both the PleXWriter and the Zip250 to be scsi devices, with the scsi card loaded into the kernel at boot. jlk On Monday 26 March 2001 20:14, Matthew Smith wrote:
Hi Everybody
Has anyone ever had any success writing CDs with a Linux laptop? What's the best solution: parallel port, USB or PCMCIA IDE?
I'd be interested to here of anyone's experiences with this.