9 Jan
9 Jan
On 09/01/2024 14:03, Carlos E. R. wrote:
I am curious. What is the currently preferred CD ripping software?
Years ago I used "grip", a gnome tool. Then it died, and I asked here. I tried the suggestions, and I finally used "audex". Problem with audex is, it is kde 3.
I also know about asunder, abcde. Even k3b can do it, I hear.
asunder does not do MusicBrain searches, only cddb.
k3b can not configure the ripping, but cddb search works.
audex fails to find the tracks in cddb (actually gnudb.gnudb.org).
Some other nice and modern GUI tool for ripping CDs?
I use Audex for years including on Plasma 5. But the updated version isn't in any of the standard repos. I get it from ecsos: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:ecsos/15.5/ gumb