To Mr. Schneider: Your calm message to me is a relief compared to what others say, and I would like to expand on what I wrote. First, in one of our other message exchanges you pointed out that ver.1.1.3 of OOo did not have to be upgraded, unless there was a specific reason or if I liked to have bleeding edge software. Well, the same applies to SuSe 9.2 Pro, I would hope, and for the same reasons I have tried to calmly point out, first, I am NOT a programmer and secondly I am on a fixed income and, despite several individuals pointing out all the "free" programing that is done, IT MUST BE REMEMBERED THAT SUSE SELLS,not gives, its program away!!! I can say, for now, that I have NO bugs, so far, other than the problem of trying to figure out why, no matter who gives me help on untaring, SuSe will NOT respond as predicted! I have run into a problem with kmymoney rpm not wanting to install, as of yesterday, which downloaded and tried to install with YAST, to no avail. It simply does not install, or show where it might be installed, as far as I know. Which is what I have been trying to say in ALL my messages. Suse DOES NOT give any help worth a darn, and only through this SLE message board have I gotten any help that I can understand. :-( Ken Schneider wrote:
On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 13:17 -0400, Bruce Marshall wrote:
On Monday 13 June 2005 01:10 pm, OldSarge wrote:
To All: I do not know how most of you feel, but, instead of worrying about SuSe desupporting any version of same, maybe it is time to "desupport" any new versions , to include 9.3, until they get ALL the bugs out and people have time TO MAKE FULL USE OF WHAT VERSION THEY HAVE!!!!! :-)
Some people can never make *any* release work. Others have no problem.
Perhaps there's something unique about your hardware or situation.
(from a user who has *never* had major problems with an SuSE release - - now on 9.3 on 5 machines)
I agree with Bruce that it may be some piece of hardware that you are using. Since you don't mention any specific problem we cannot be of any help to you. Simply screeming on this list will not help in solving your problem. I find 9.3 to be the best to date, the first release to fully support all of my hardware.