17 May
17 May
In a previous message, Matt <startux@algieba.org> wrote:
Just wondered what peple would consider the best deal up to about $150? I don't any of the 30GB models. Size I'd say up to 10GB would suffice for ym needs.
Well, ours is smaller than that but the 512MB Samsung understands OGG and plays nicely. However, it's fairly easy to work out what will work well with Linux. Anything that presents as a mass-storage device will work. Anything that doesn't do that won't. It's easy to tell the difference - if you can drag and drop image files onto the device, it's mass storage. And they always plug that feature if it's available. John -- John Pettigrew http://john.pettigrew.org.uk/ http://john.pettigrew.org.uk/blog/