On Sunday 30 September 2001 11:05 pm, Anders Johansson wrote:
On Monday 01 October 2001 05.04, Anders Johansson wrote:
On Monday 01 October 2001 04.40, David A. Riggs wrote:
I switched my previous KMail (v. 1.3 1) filter settings for this list from
"<<TO: or CC:>> contains suse-linux-e"
to "X-Mailing-List contains suse-linux-e",
and I can see from the source of the messages that they contain the line "X-Mailinglist: suse-linux-e" in the message header... But, my main inbox is quickly filling with SLE messages. Here is the relevant section of my .kde2/share/config/kmailrc:
[Filter #0] StopProcessingHere=true action-args-0=SuSE action-name-0=transfer actions=1 apply-on=check-mail,manual-filtering contentsA=suse-linux-e contentsB= fieldA=X-Mailing-List fieldB= funcA=contains funcB=contains name=<X-Mailing-List>:suse-linux-e operator=and rules=1
I tried switching the 'fieldA=X-Mailing-List' to 'fieldA=X-Mailinglist' without luck, as well as trying 'contains suse-linux' and 'contains suse', tried both 'and'ing and 'or'ing with the mandatory second (but blank) filter. I'm going back to "TO: or CC:" before SLE eats my inbox. ;/
Suggestions (I'd like to keep using KMail)?
Thanks, David A. Riggs
Well, if the header contains X-Mailinglist, I suggest you test for X-Mailinglist and not X-Mailing-List
just a thought
oops, I apologize. I spoke before reading your complete message.
Well, if you've tried X-Mailinglist, and you're positive you've pressed apply, and spelled everything right, I don't know what could be wrong. It works here
Deleted the filter, then re-created it with the KMail interface...hit apply then OK, opened my filters again to double check and it was missing... Copied and pasted a working filter in my .kde2/share/config/kmailrc: [Filter #1] StopProcessingHere=true action-args-0=SuSE action-name-0=transfer actions=1 apply-on=check-mail,manual-filtering contentsA=suse-linux-e fieldA=X-Mailinglist funcA=contains name=<<X-Mailinglist>>:suse-linux-e operator=and rules=1 and changed the line "filters=1" to "filters=2" (since I've got a total of two mail filters)...opened up KMail and the filter showed up in my list, hit apply filters and it cleaned out my inbox. Weird. David A. Riggs