Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: Problems with Leap 15.5 KDE Message-ID : <6538ff79-0467-4df2-aae5-a287ffc9153e@jknott.net> Date & Time: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 22:00:22 -0500 [JK] == James Knott <james.knott@jknott.net> has written: JK> On 1/23/24 21:37, Masaru Nomiya wrote: MN> > then, reboot. JK> I don't even get a desktop. I had to delete that file. I guess this means i915's kernel mode doesn't work. Felix seems to have a different opinion, but as Lew reports, I suspect the i915 kernel driver. If I were you, 1. replace it with a previous version of the kernel if you can. If you cannot replace the kernel, 2. add nomodeset to the kernel parameter and disable the kernel mode setting of i915. 2-1. edit /etc/default/grub like this; GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash=silent nomodeset ...... 2.2 # grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.config 2-3. reboot Kind Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "Maddox hopes that empowering users to pick their own algorithms will get them to think more about what’s involved in making them. " -- Bluesky's Custom Algorithms Could Be the Future of Social Media --