Anders Johansson ?????:
On Monday 01 March 2004 10.27, Nick wrote:
Who know?
How the YaST know which packets are installed and which ones - not?
Is there some file with the installed packet names?
Yes there is, but which one depends on which suse version you have. In 8.2 and 9.0 (don't remember exactly when it started, it could be in 8.1 too) yast works with the rpm database, which is in /var/lib/rpm/
It's not plain text though, they're BerkeleyDB files
Thank you. May be, you know how to remove some packages from DB without real uninstalling? I have wrote about idea to black_listed some packages for online_update. I have changed a config files and make my own binares for some packages and won't upgade it, but wana to save "architecture" of starting/restarting/dirs and others in SuSE style. In the best case, I would like to "deselect" some packages for automatic online_update only. (While it not corrupt my special settings and binary). I talk about apache, squid, exim packages. I have recompiled it. nick
In older versions, yast maintained separate lists of installed software which were frequently inaccurate since they didn't take into account software you've installed manually, so thankfully they stopped using it
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