On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 17:28 +0100, Vince Littler wrote:
Oh dear Bryan. Hot water.
It was meant as a joke. It represents what I could do, instead of trying to stop and explain things. Don't see it as a way to demonize me, as I would _never_ say such. ;->
AFAICS the issue is not whether or not Linux or SuSE can do IPv6, but whether as a typical user with an IPv4 ISP, the Internet as you connect to it can support IPv6.
But SuSE Linux doesn't enable such. It _only_ enables IPv6 LINK LOCAL. Again, I'm _all_for_ disabling it right in the installer. And I have _nothing_ against disabling it here. What I'm against is people stating something is "broken" or "wrong" because they don't understand it. E.g., over in the Red Hat world, SELinux falls in the same category.
I thought it was made illegal for Americans to burn their own flag in 1968. Should I be upset?
Nope. But they are considering an Amendment. I'm very much against that. American soldiers fight so Americans can legally burn the flag -- and most will fully admit that. Of course, they will also be the first in line to punch a person who attempts to. ;-> The best solution I've ever heard was not to make burning the flag a 4th degree misameanor ... but assulting someone to preventing them from burning the flag only a 4th degree misameanor. Problem solved. ;-> -- Bryan J. Smith Professional, technical annoyance mailto:b.j.smith@ieee.org http://thebs413.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------- Illegal Immigration = "Representation Without Taxation"