Hello, In the Message; Subject : Bluetooth pairing, Leap 15.3/KDE-Plasma Message-ID : <5cfb5bd1-314a-e3d0-e93b-0db074c6eeec@gmx.net> Date & Time: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 18:10:41 +0200 [PM] == Peter McD <peter.posts@gmx.net> has written: PM> Hi, PM> My USB-Bluetooth adapter can't pair with my bluetooth headset. PM> It worked in Leap 15.2. PM> The bluetooth assistant, i.e. the bluetooth applet searches for the PM> headset, but doesn't find it. PM> hwinfo (below) outputs much information, I hope I found the interesting PM> bit. No problem, I think. $ bluetoothctl Then, execute ; Agent registerd [XX XXXX]# show This results in [...] Class: 0x00000000 Powered: no Discoverable: yes [...] doesn't it? That is, Powered: no is the issue. If so, do $ sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth then confirm that; Powered: yes With this, you can try pairing the device. HTH, Regards, & Good Night. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "Three young men died for Rationalization. Yet, Margaret Bloody Thatcher LIVES!" 'Brassed Off'