Hello. First of all, thank you to everybody who tried to help :-) I'm more interested now in printing than in using the zip drive, but thank you for provinding the info on zip-minihowto. That's what I've tried: I went to http://www.httptech.com/ppa/ (as Mike told me) and downloaded pbm2ppa (I think it intends to be a program to be able to print with GDI/Windows printers). After compiling, installing and configuring it following the instructions in INSTALL and INSTALL-MORE, I tried to print. Then I get the message: /usr/local/printascii: /dev/lp1: no such device (printascii is a script you have to generate to make it work). I went to /dev and made a simple "ls" to see if lp0, lp1 and lp2 existed. And they exist. Changing the script to make it work with lp0 it happens the same. And the same with lp2. If I try to make "lpr file_I_want_to_print", the first line of the output is "waiting for printer to become ready (offline?)". If I make "lsmod", the module "lp" is in the list. In the column on the right it says "0 (autoclean) (unused)". I've recompiled the kernel to support the printer in the kernel and not as a module, but it happens the same. What should I do? Thank you again _________________________________ Àlex Maneu - nexus.mansoft@ctv.es ICQ: 12433233 Phones: +34932967792, +34619541839 PGP Public Key Available at http://www.amaneu.informaticos.org http://plataforma.hypermart.net http://www.mansoft.informaticos.org TARIFA PLANA YA! _________________________________