On 2021/05/19 00:43, -pj wrote:
I would like to thank you all for the excellent suggestions, links and foresight into this topic. I have been unable to respond sooner... I have now been able to put together notes with Kate text editor piecing/documenting links and thoughts about this. One particular comment (without me looking into the links on this "file" which has now been created) the following seems extremely interesting:
hdparm can do it.
--- You realize you are not doing what your subject says....preparing for openSUSE. You don't need to do any special erase or preparation to create a new partition table (for the entire device) and install Opensuse. Creating the new partition table "empties" the entire disk. With a filesystem like xfs (and probably most modern file systems), any disk sector you read in will be displayed as all 0's (whether it is or not). Showing previous contents of a disk sector is a security risk, so most file-systems will display nulls (0's) for anything sectors that are not known to be initialize by the file system. I'm only speaking for xfs, but I think most file systems these days do the same thing.