How true Jerry, providing true native Linux software is the only way Linux will ever be a serious desktop operating system. As much as I love Linux I often ask myself why do I run two operating systems? Years ago the Amiga OS and then IBM's OS were better alternative desktop systems then Windows. So what was lacking in these advanced alternatives to Windows, software applications. In Linux supporting projects that run Windows applications we are just shouting, yes Linux is great only if you use Microsoft or Win related programs! Don't get me wrong here of course we want programs to be able to save files in variety of different formats. Just the main application has to be a true Linux application.
Yes ... I was saying to a friend that the difficulty I was experiencing as an advanced Windows user (is that regarded as offensive?) was breaking my habits and forcing ME (myself) over to Linux. HE said I could always use Wine and and I said I felt that rather defeated the object of moving to *nix which was to get away from MS and into *nix & opensource etc. Sure once I've figured out the serieous stuff I may try Wine or something like it but I want to see what Linux can do first! James C. Rocks Equant Archway House Canary Wharf London E14 9SZ Phone: 0207-5226856 Fax: 0207-5126087 Mobile Phone: 07771-767405