Your SMTP relay server entry in KMail seems flarked. I would check that and make sure you are trying to relay off the right server. * Jerry Van Brimmer ( [011001 18:10]: ->I recently upgraded to KDE 2.2.1 and kdenetwork 2.2.1. Now I have Kmail ->1.3.1. My problem is that now, with Kmail 1.3.1, I cannot send any mail. ->Every time I try to send a message I get an error message that says: ->"Response: 550 not local host net), not a gateway" -> ->What's going on here? -> -> ->Thanks, -> ->-- ->To unsubscribe send e-mail to ->For additional commands send e-mail to ->Also check the FAQ at and the ->archives at -> -- Ben Rosenberg ----- "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin