30 Aug
30 Aug
Hello SuSE'rs! I got SuSE 8.0 installed on a stationary box and a laptop, both are connected to the same switch, both run dhcp, same username and uid. I want these two to be able to connect to each other but I don't know how to do that. I've never done this before with Linux and I don't know which way doing this is the most common (and perhaps easiest) one. Both boxes also run W2k where I can connect between them, but I use Linux 99% of the time so I need a connection between those. Can someone give me a hint on how to do this?, as you can probably guess I'm not that much into networking...:o] Cheers, Helgi Örn -- ~~~~ <http://www.sacred-eagle.com/> ~~~~ ~~~~~~ Gnupg signature ID 83AC4814 ~~~~~