I Assume that you are connecting from linux to linux:
Yes. No MS stuff in the loop :-) Both computers are running fully patched/updated SUSE9.3 installs.
I assume that you have SSH server setup on the same server you are trying to remote controll.
Yes, this is now setup, and tested as working - both on a local basis (inside the firewall) and external - over the Internet from a different physical location. I can connect by ssh -p <port> <ip> I can also do ssh -X -p <port> <ip> and run apps on the remote machine and the app is actually shown on my local machine.
When you start the Remote Desktop (Invite) on the remote machine you see a line like: "Host:" You need to know the number after the colon, 4 in this case.
Ok, using ssh -X I started Remote Desktop. I set it to use the a second port I have set to forward on the remote firewall. Then I created an invitation (on the remote machine using krfd exported to my local), and got the :<number>.
To connect to it via ssh try the following line in a shell vncviewer -via user@internet.addressable.host.or.ip
I try this and nothing happens... my local machine sits here tryign to connect to my remote machine. If I break the connection I get a tunnelling failed message. I tried using krdc to connect to the invited session... it appears to do nothing for a long time, but eventually I get a notice (via my ssh -X session) that someone is trying to connect to my computer via VNC (this is despite the fact I have my remote machine (currently) set to accept external connections without verifications - not secure I know, but I'm still in testing mode). I clicked accept and the connection is dropped on the remote side... timeout maybe?
Hope this helped...
Actually.. yes :-) The explanation is very useful... now if only I can get it to work... most likely finger problems on my part... C.