On Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 1:10 PM Stakanov via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> wrote:
I am using KDE Networkmanager. I have at home a dlan magic2 standard as connecting eithernet standard interface. As the house is old and the electrical wiring (maybe some appliance, who knows) is prone to fall out of order from time to time, I have also a wlan router branched on dlan on another phase (line) (which is not disturbed) in order to backup. Now what I would like to achieve is, to be able to use the ethernet bridge toghether with the wlan, switching interface when the ethernet fails.
If ethernet fails, NetworkManager will remove any route via this interface.
But that does not seems to work as because of the metric (when Ethernet alone is active the metric is 600, when wlan is also active then Ethernet gets a metric of 425 and the precedence on wlan with 600 - which is intended, I know).
Now this would be a logical case but,when the transfer of data on Ethernet dlan fails it is not that the Ethernet fails.
Does the Ethernet fail or does the Ethernet not fail?
Because the interface is still active, only the connection to the internet fails because the transmission of the data is too disturbed (has IP but does not transmit data).
Is it possible to set up a fallback mechanism to have wlan stepping in, only in case the LAN is disturbed, put into practice using the Networkmanager (KDE)?
How would be the steps to follow?
Run a service that monitors whatever condition you define as "failure" and changes route metric accordingly. Linux will use the route with a "better" metric.