Per Jessen wrote:
Dave Howorth wrote:
I have had mythtv since 2012, but my existing recording backends are getting a bit old. Two truly ancient P4 systems, for their PCI slots. I've never heard of TVheadend, I guess it is new.
Well, if you call 2012 new, it is!
Hehe, no, that's pretty ancient :-) Wikipedia says the 'preview' release was 2017 though.
Anyway, I've used the various streaming frontends before (incl smart-TVs), and none of them seem to support recording and managing recordings very well. (okay, I think that was kodi a few years back).
Just installing tvheadend now - might as well experiment. I'll have to move the box to another downstairs room where I have a spare satellite feed, that will have to wait till tomorrow. uh, first question already popped up - how do I configure it remotely? Ah, that was just the installation lying to me :-) -- Per Jessen, Zürich (10.8°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes (2016 - present) We're hiring - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Heroes