On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 08:50:30 +0200 Wolfgang Rosenauer <wolfgang@rosenauer.org> wrote:
Am 10.10.22 um 05:23 schrieb bent fender:
I frown on sensitive data like passwords being stored AT ALL, so MY method and THE method for any software on MY computer has to be MANUALLY input pwds EVERY time.
With every app including any trace or form of kwallet tabooed in valiant Yast, and a brand new instance of T-Bird launched, I observed that AFTER supplying my usenet provider id and pwd I could get a list of groups from which I could select any to subscribe to. Fine, all is as it should be.
Next comes the fubar, on a relaunch of T-Bird after a right click on my usenet server to do more subscribes all I get is 'Please Wait'. No dialog asking for the usenet provider id/pwd any more. I can only suspoect that my usenet provider giganews is waiting for an id/pwd that isn't coming while I'm wondering where the id/pwd dialog went.
openSUSE Tumbleweed , Kernel=6.0.0-1-default on x86_64, DM=sddm, DE=KDE, ST=x11,grub2, GPT, BIOS-boot
the thing you missed is the Thunderbird version you are running.
There was https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1203554 in Thunderbird 102.2 which is fixed in 102.3.x
Could that be your problem?
102.3.1-2.1 Nothing shows up in the list of groups to subscribe to but if I enter a space in the search-box then I get a (possibly partial) list. If i click the subscribe box on one of those then tbird crashes. There's a different version number on virtually every one of the distros I run so it's near impossible to tell if it's a tbird issue or not. It likely is, if I enter a group in the search box nothing might show though the group is there in the list. Seems like more bugs than an anthill.