From: "Peter Sutter" <sutterp@sopac.com.au>
On Saturday 12 August 2006 23:00, Peter Nikolic wrote:
On Saturday 12 August 2006 12:56, michiboux wrote:
-- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com
-- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com
says it all really readthe headers of the mails you have recieved and in there is full instructions on how to unsubscribe ..
Let's assume that 1. I am a Windows user. 2. I have tired hard to get up to speed with Linux, but could not manage. 3. I have ditched Linux and am back on my beloved Windows. 4. I still get mail from this mailing list.
Questions: 1. What is a mail header, I used Outlook's help and it does not refer to headers, the term header they use has nothing to do with what mail headers in our world mean.
Figure it out or there will be a lot of mailing lists from which you cannot escape. You need to view the FULL message, not the trimmed version outlook usually shows.
2. How do I access the mail headers under Outlook ore Outlook express?
As part of my current job, I try to educate Windows users (and hopefully convince them to switch to Linux too) to use mail and mailing lists sensibly. Most of these users do not know what mail headers are, what they are for, neither how to get at them under outlook or outlook express. It is not something Windows users are familiar with.
With OE you simply select a message from the list, any message will do for this issue. Sometimes you want to use a specific message. Here is what I sent Jeff Hnidy when he was having problems. Your data WILL be different for reasons that should be obvious if you can read: ===8<--- Every message has them. Not knowing what MUA you are using it is close to impossible to help you. Oh, you are using Microsoft Outlook. MAYBE that is similar enough to OutlookExpress to help you. Select a message from the SLE mailing list. Method 1: A) Right click on the message and select properties. B) Select the Details tab. C) Push the message source button. The entire message headers and all gets displayed. Method 2: A) File->Properties in menus. B&C) same as above. Method 3: A) Double click on the message. B) In the message window menus select File->Properties. C&D) same as B&C above. I'd hazard the guess that in your case it would look like this somewhere in the headers: ==9<--- list-help: <mailto:suse-linux-e-help@suse.com> list-unsubscribe: <mailto:suse-linux-e-unsubscribe-jhnidy=wowway.XXXXX>@suse.com> list-post: <mailto:suse-linux-e@suse.com> ==9<--- You want the list unsubscribe link: mailto:suse-linux-e-unsubscribe-jhnidy=XXXXX.com (The above will only work if XXXXX@wowway.com is the address the list uses to send email to you. I suspect it is.) Most or almost all modern lists have this sort of information in the headers. It's a good place to go looking for the information when you want to unsubscribe or get help with mailing list features such as digest emailings rather than individual emailings. ===8<--- {^_^} Do something nice once and awhile. It keeps the bozos off balance. {^_-}