In data lunedì 7 novembre 2022 18:49:00 CET, Andrei Borzenkov ha scritto:
On 07.11.2022 14:10, Stakanov wrote:
I have two machines running, a TW (most recent always) and a trueNAS (FreeBSD based).
I have in the TrueNAS running a jail with miniDLNA to stream movies via the network (to a smart TV but also to a PC). I also have put the pools with samba on a share with appropriate permissions.
I did allow in firewall of TW (via yast): upnp, zeroconf, samba client.
You cannot "allow in firewall of TW (via yast)" anything. You can "allow in the specific zone". And then you must make sure this zone is actually active for the correct interface.
Check your active zones, which zone is assigned to the interface which is used to reach your TrueNAS and configuration of *this* zone.
Now guess what, if I am running the dolphin to search the network for services, he does not see on TW neither upnp services nor zeroconf not even samba.
When I do instead stop the firewall and search, all appears and works. This is true also after reboot - just in case anybody suggested it. Are the yast allowances to the FW still working or has all to be edited via some config file / table? Thank you. Thank you Andrei for your reply. I have two physical network interfaces in the machine. Only one currently is branched to the network.
Interfaces are therefore (I am using wicked) br0 public br1 public docker0 docker (I am not using docker but apparently this interface is now standard in TW?) enp7s0 public enp8s0 public in the zone public I did define following allowances apcupsd dhcpv6-client ipp-client kdeconnect kdeconnect-kde samba-client sip sips upnp-client On the truenas beforehand I could see: miniDLNA streaming samba as a service, reachable with user name and password I can reach sftp as ssh based service with username and password. If I do not deactivate the fw I do see not a single service. If I currently deactivate the fw, although I am having trouble to make upnp miniDLNA work on vlc in TW I do actually see and am requested credentials for samba. So my problem is that I do not understand what else I have to define as allowed to make it work in the first place. I mean, the finetune to say i am using two interfaces, several zones etc. has sense for me only if I am able to get to work at least the local network behind the (in Germany I could nearly say "obvious" FritzBox router. Open ports I have defined in TW as follows (still to favor miniDLNA): TCP 9100 (for my printer share usb over router), 1714-1764 and 3551. And UDP 1714-1764. SCTP and DCCP none. And still, as long as I do not stop the firewall I do not reach or see my samba share. Oh, and the active zones are the right ones, currently all "public". But thank you for the suggestion.