I am getting errors when I execute the following command: mutt -f pop://<my_account><my_mail_server> Here are the errors: Error in /home/brian/.muttrc, line 70: imap_host: unknown variable Error in /home/brian/.muttrc, line 71: imap_delete: unknown variable Error in /home/brian/.muttrc, line 109: too few arguments Error in /home/brian/.muttrc, line 127: web_browser: unknown variable source: errors in /home/brian/.muttrc I assume that the errors are probably independent of the command, as they are related to .muttrc, so here are the lines in my .muttrc file: set imap_host="mail.linuxfreemail.com" set imap_delete="yes" send-hook "~t "mutt-users@mutt.org" 'set indent_string="# "' set web_browser="lynx %s Can anyone help me straighten these out <newbie alert>? Cheers, Brian