hi! grep NTFS /boot/vmlinuz.config but mine came with it, do not see how yours not. Sure you are mounting it properly? Sergio A las 01:38 del 15 de Sep de 2003, Jean Hendrickx <jeanh@sn.com.ve> dijo:
Hi, I've SuSE Professional 8.0 and Windows XP on the same disk. I can boot both partitions, but I can't see the XP's partition (NTFS), I know I must install the NTFS support, but here: http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/info/ntfs.html#3.5 I read "Almost every Linux distribution (with the notable exception of RedHat) comes with NTFS support out of the box."
Of course, mine's didn't ... but I don't know if I must activate something or install the NTFS driver. I think I can damage the current kernel if I install an already installed package (or similar one) ... How can I activate/check if my kernel have the NTFS support?
Thanks, Jean H//
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