As seen in Anyone from the opensuse project to comment about this words? Or from Novell, maybe? :/ /* pasted text */ Bomb: internal memo shows MS planning to acquire Novell An internal memo leaked by an anonymous (and unhappy) management level worker at Novell shows an already ongoing plan whereby Microsoft will acquire Novell, by a stock transfer operation to take place in the next few months. Both companies have their legal teams working on the technicalities. The memo shows that the merge will keep the SUSE trademark for all products. Internally MS has already prepared a team to maintain the product, and work on the merge process, says the 20 page document, that seems to have reached most high level executives of Novell and MS. The worker, who anonymously sent an email with the attached memo to some selected IT sites to garner some extra publicity, claims to work at "NED Department at Novell". However, No Novell employees were able to identify this claim. A press release is expected to be issued during the next two weeks. The Novell board is said to keep working in Novell after the merge, to maintain the products and help the transition phase. The source also said that this virtually eliminates the problems of the MS/Novell deal, as MS itself will be entering the Linux market, after years of competition with Linux. /* end of pasted text */ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: