Hi. I am running the SuSE 10.0, and would update the KDE. Then I found the article: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/16592.html I looked like its really was the one for me to be updated, and I did as was written in the article. KDE was updated, and after I went through all the packages that could be updated. It was a success. BUT now I have done this twice, and there has been some days between the first and successfull updates, and to the second one. In both cases all my X's has been useless. I have a thread running "Problems After Update", where people has been kind to help me. I would like to know now if other has experiences with this socalled coolsolution, and what experinces they have, as I really want to know if its of use or not. I was glad when I found the article, as I have problems in updating for instance KDE, and this I found looke ok to me, and was easy to follow. But the smiley has went from a :-) to a :'( . Then please friends write me if you have experiences. Thanks! Erik Jakobsen