On Monday 07 April 2003 02:33, Joe Dufresne wrote:
zentara wrote:
1. Just make one big gzipped tar file (tar -zcvf) and then use the cut utility, to break it into cd sized chunks. You can recombine them with cat.
I'm creating the .tgz now. I opened up a second console, and tried experimenting w/ cut w/ a text file, is this command correct:
nqs@Miverna:~/Music> cut -b600000 music.txt > test.txt
when I use more to view the test file, it's "blank", but has stuff in it (4 bytes)
That's not what cut is used for. cut grabs fields from lines in files. What you did with the above command was grab byte number 600000 from each line in file music.txt and put it in test.txt. I'm guessing that's not what you wanted :) I think you want the "split" utility. Read "man split" regards Anders