At 12:50 AM 2/3/2002 -0600, you wrote:
I've been told: "UltraEdit runs perfectly with WINE"
It does, I've set it up for my boss twice so I know. One thign: It seems you have to CD into the directory where UE is first, then run it. i.e. cd /work/test/wine/win_apps/ue/ wine uedit32.exe Generally wine /work/test/wine/win_apps/ue/uedit32.exe would work but it doesn't for me.
I found WINE in the SuSE PRO installation kit. However, in the Yast2 catalog description I read the word "(ALPHA)". This makes me think that WINE is a SuSE application that runs only on ALPHA stations ... is thia true ???
Nope. Alpha here means "not even beta yet", i.e. very early in it's life. Beta software is software that is not yet "released" as "officially useable" ( otherwise known as "stable") because it's still in the works and the developer doesn't consider it "ready to go" yet.. This has nothing to do with DEC/Compaq ALPHA and in fact I do not belive WINE runs on anything but x86 (AMD/Intel).
Is there a Window-like SuSE application that supports UltraEdit ??? This editor is much easier to use and efficient than any editor coming with SuSE.
Hey, at least give emacs a fair try in GUI mode (X Windows).
Thank you. Maura
---------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Wilson System Administrator Cedar Creek Software Central Texas IT