the "config" might not be exact, and it's rather "open" but here is how I got it going. copy the following to attachment vsftp.conf to /etc copy the following attachment vsftp to /etc/xinit.d turn on xinit.d using control center/Yast2 modules/system/runlevel editor open up ports 21,22 in the firewall by control center/yast2 modules/security users/firewall, key them in the advance line at the bottom create a user "ftpuser/password", check the home dir after that, then I'd restart suse...hope this helps On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 03:09 +0000, perlcgi2000 wrote:
I'm a noob trynig to get ftp working on suse 9.1
I installed vsftpd as per the example with virtual users -
I have the following settings for vsftpd.conf:
anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=NO anon_upload_enable=NO anon_mkdir_write_enable=NO anon_other_write_enable=NO chroot_local_user=YES guest_enable=YES guest_username=virtual listen=YES listen_port=10021 pasv_min_port=30000 pasv_max_port=30999
When I try to login as the virtual user I get " 530 Login incorrect."
But if I change anonymous_enable=NO to YES then I can log in as an anonymous user.
In the instructions it says how to create the virtual user but the virtual user group wasnt created correctly. So instread I created the group using YAST.
Does anyone have any ideas what I did wrong ?
Thanks, Nathan
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