On Mon April 13 2009 1:19:32 pm jdd wrote:
Dan Goodman a �crit :
I run Linux because (unlike Brand X) it doesn't emphasize glitz over functionality.
it doesn't need so long text to say that, and Kde is not Linux.
His 'rant' was one of the best SUMMARIES of the issues I have had the opportunity to read from the user perspective. I used his own word, 'rant', but that is probably the wrong word, 'summarization' of the user perspective might have been better. I too will stay with KDE only so long as 3.5.x can be made to work. At some point, I might be enticed to switch to 4.x, but on my own timetable and for my own reasons. I no longer recommend KDE to my companies customers...it causes too many costly support issues for *my* limited resources. If my customers want to use KDE and want support from my company, the contract explicitly states none will be provided beyond KDE 3.5.10 until changed in writing by this company. KDE4.x , if installed by the customer, will void the service contract. If and when, if as Dan indicated, KDE4.x+ becomes as stable and as functional and intuitive to use as KDE3.5.x, this company will gladly embrace providing support for it, but not until. And, we will not be in business to do KDE devs troubleshooting, support or development as our business is intended to buy food and shelter for our employees, not KDE devs.
try puppylinux, for example, and with openSUSE Gnome or Xfce are good
Yes, but openSuSE is much better with KDE 3.5.x for many people.
and yes, in opensource world, devs do what they want... like it or leave it
Well, he chose to leave KDE and he is not alone. Thankfully, he is not yet also about to leave openSuSE because of it. -- Richard