On Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 21:04:19 GMT -0600 (which was 9:04 PM where I live), thus spake Marcia on the subject of "[SLE] Webmin and Suse 8": Hello, Marcia. How did you go about installing Webmin? I've installed it on SuSE 6.4, 7.1, 8.0 and 8.1 both from source and from RPM package. If you tell us how you installed it, it would really help us to help you. Regards, Geordon Marcia> Dear All, Marcia> I would love to use webmin on my Suse 8 but so far no luck. I downloaded and Marcia> installed it but when I go to the https://localhost:10000 I just get an error Marcia> saying that the connection was refused. I tried the http://localhost:10000 as Marcia> well and that was refused, too. How do I connect with Suse 8? I was using it Marcia> with Linux-Mandrake 9 without a problem. Marcia> Thanks. Marcia> Marcia -- Best regards, Geordon mailto:gvantass@interaccess.com Your fortune: "A business whose only goal is profit is a poor kind of business."