Maura, I think you solution is clear..... What I would suggest you do, is install a dual boot SuSE. If you install only 32-bit SuSE on one partition, and the combination of 64-32 on another, you will get the added benifit for problem solving of knowing your in an exclusively 32-bit environment. Once you get that working, you can be up and running without too much loss of productivity. You probably won't notice too much difference between the two anyway unless you do some really heavy computing. Then, you can work out the 64-bit side of things on a no pressure basis. It can be done. I have been using 64 bit SuSE on all my machines (including laptop) and have had no problems eventually getting everything I use to work. But when I had to get something done, I just switched to a 32-bit machine to pass up the pressure of the deadline, and would eventually get to make it work 64-bit. Heck, you may find it easier to build all your support libs while booted 32bit. And then setup the environment on you 64-bit side to actually use the other partitions libs. Clean seperation can certainly help, especially if your new to the 64/32 bit thing. Hope this helps. B-) On Sunday 16 April 2006 8:55 pm, Maura Edeweiss Monville wrote:
Please, have a look at the following website: http://fr.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/Development_Libraries.html
You'll find CERNLIB versions appearently for x86_64 but also for i386 (which to my understanding should be the 32-bit procesor ?) Is it going to worn on SuSE 9.3 ? It's still source code though ..
Thanks, Maura
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