On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 12:00:19PM +0700, Arie Reynaldi Z wrote:
I have a DHCP + DNS server running suse 9.1, and couple of linux dekstop with windows desktop. can ping all of my desktop (linux & windows) using their name + domain (eg. comp1.domain.info). Right now, I just add another ethernet card in my linux desktop. When I boot it, I notice it changes the IP address, from to But when I try to ping the machine, it names is comp3.domain.info, it still pointing to older IP. I have restart dhcpd and named but still no luck. So I have to change manually in /var/lib/named/dyn/domain.info and /var/lib/named/dyn/0.127.192-domain so comp3 is pointed to
If you edit the files directly, they will no longer match what BIND has in memory, so it is advisable to stop it before editing, and remove any journal files (because it would only complain and refrain from loading the zone). It is better to talk to the running BIND and let it do the change internally, you could use the 'nsupdate' tool for that, which is a rather crude thing but it works. echo -e "update delete host.domain. \n" \ | nsupdate -k /etc/KDHCP_UPDATER.+157+59963.private echo -e "update add otherhost.domain. 86400 CNAME mydns.domain. \n" \ | nsupdate -k /etc/KDHCP_UPDATER.+157+59963.private
Is there any easier way, so I dont have to changes manually ? I notice the TTL is 12 hours, how can I change so it can recognice any changes faster ?
Well the DHCP server can't know that the machine with the new NIC is the same as a previously seen NIC (unless you use client identifiers, but you won't do that). Otherwise you may use "one-lease-per-client true;" so the old leases and DNS names are cleaned up when a new one is requested by a known host. Peter -- the little machine that goes "ping" got the big can of spam