Kevanf1 wrote:
On 03/04/06, Basil Chupin <> wrote:
I think that it will take more than just a name change - although it would definitely help - to keep SuSE's past glory going well into the future. The Novell management needs to pull its collective fingers out and stop fart-arsing around with the stable, professional distro that we all got to love. I have my serious doubts whether I will buy another copy of SuSE in the future.
Yes, I am in agreement with this sentiment. I have the strong feeling that a lot of others think this way too.
In the latest TUX magazine there is a comparison of several Linux distros and SuSE does NOT come up on top. The top choice is Mandriva, and SuSE is beaten by other distros (Mepis comes in 2nd and Fedora as 3rd).
Being reviewed by someone who is using the distro as a personal favourite would normally produce a score of 5 for each of the features being tested wouldn't you agree :-) ? I thought the same as you but after seeing the marks given to each feature I felt that the reviewer was trying to be very objective - ?maybe trying too hard - and so was being very critical of the bad bits. To me, if what I felt is correct, this means that if I am a SuSE fanatic and give it a bad score for a feature then I must really be peed-off about that "feature". But then what do I know? Cheers. -- Yes, I AM a certified Cleavage Inspector.