1 Sep
1 Sep
At 07:36 AM 9/1/05, daniel parkes wrote:
i Was wondering what is the use of the wheel group in suse systems??, in freebsd it has guid 0 and only people that are members of the wheel group can su to root.
Does it have any similar use in suse, it has guid 10 so i cant really see if it has any use out of the box??
Can someone tell me how u can configure the system so only people in the wheel group ca su to root, whitout using sudo.
man su - last line directs reader to "info su" where last section says "GNU 'su' does not support 'wheel' group.". A google of "wheel su root suse" would have given you this link among top 10: http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/lofiversion/index.php/t17161.html