hello all i was/am trying to increase the default file up load size in php.ini. the increase was to support some forum software i have been playing with(phpbb) tried a few others seem to be a common problem..... my php.ini file has the values: uploads on post_max_size = 999M upload_max_filesize = 999M upload_tmp_dir is however commented out ? is that ok?? (i know it will default to system specs... tried both ways commented out and uncommented no change) all mentions of time outs seem to be set at 60... with the exception of max_execution_time set to 3600(which if any others should be changed) could this maybe be a mysql config error and not a php problem? Also the output from phpinfo.php does Not agree with php.ini ie: in phpinfo my post_max_filesize is saying 8M and its set to 999M in the php.ini file... does the php.ini override the core setting or do i need to change it in php core? ok... if so where/how ?? :) any ideas anyone ?:)