Alternative suggestion. (Sorry if already mentioned). Get an SSD for your root partition. Use the full disk as root and set a swap file instead of a swap partition. This is the default behavior in a lot of distros now if a root partition is not specified. The default swap file size is normally 2.1GB. This way you can change your swap size easily when more disk space is needed. I believe swap files can also be dynamically allocated but I have never tried it. on my PC I have a 128GB Samsung evo SSD for / and a 1TB WD black Hard Disk for /home My system has 16GB RAM and I have a 16.1GB Swap file in / Take note of the sudo commands. Obviously make sure you omit sudo if you are running the commands in a root terminal. Check your swap configuration: cat /proc/swaps Turn off all swap: sudo swapoff -a or just the one file: sudo swapoff /swapfile Make swap file bigger (or smaller, just change the count= to MB e.g. 1024 for 1GB) In this case roughly 16.1GB sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=16486 Make the swap file useable: sudo mkswap /swapfile Turn on swap file: sudo swapon /swapfile Check your swap configuration again to make sure it has worked: cat /proc/swaps -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: