On Sun, 26 Jul 2015 20:56, Arup Rakshit wrote:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Carl Hartung wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2015 19:54:40 +0200 jdd wrote:
Le 26/07/2015 19:35, Carl Hartung a écrit :
You failed to grasp my earlier point. 'rpm' is the package management engine that is used both by zypper and YaST in the background.
yes, but zypper do not pass all the error messages (t least not on screen)
You wrote "Installing the dependency wont help zypper but may help rpm" which is not correct. This was the point of my example.
b. Install the package with zypper. It's dependency will be automatically selected and presented for concurrent installation.
only if the package is in openSUSE repositories
understood ... or available in a related repository that is active for the installation (Packman, nVidia, etc. etc.)
but of course, no 64b packages on 32 bit machine :-)) funny than neither zypper nor rpm did notice the error
The OP quoted only excerpts so we didn't see everything.
Sorry everyone. I just overlooked that I was trying to 64bit Atom rpn file. From there link https://atom.io/ I am not seeing any source for 32 bit, so it seems not possible in my current environment.
Thanks to all of you for all kind of explanations.
Sorry, but this is a clear case of READ FULLY, and CAREFULLY. => https://atom.io/faq (excerpt): ... What platforms does Atom run on? Prebuilt versions of Atom are available for OS X 10.8 or later, Windows 7 & 8, RedHat Linux, and Ubuntu Linux. If you would like to build from source on Windows, Linux, or OS X, see the Atom README for more information. ... => https://github.com/atom/atom (excerpt, README.md): ... Red Hat Linux (Fedora 21 and under, CentOS, Red Hat) Currently only a 64-bit version is available. Download atom.x86_64.rpm from the Atom releases page. Run sudo yum localinstall atom.x86_64.rpm on the downloaded package. Launch Atom using the installed atom command. The Linux version does not currently automatically update so you will need to repeat these steps to upgrade to future releases. Fedora 22+ Currently only a 64-bit version is available. Download atom.x86_64.rpm from the Atom releases page. Run sudo dnf install atom.x86_64.rpm on the downloaded package. Launch Atom using the installed atom command. The Linux version does not currently automatically update so you will need to repeat these steps to upgrade to future releases. ... In short: - There is no 32bit prebuild package (same on Debian). - The RPM is build for Redhat Fedora, not for openSUSE. - You want a openSUSE 64 or 32 bit version, build it yourself. Installing Fedora packages on openSUSE is seldom a working way. Have a nice sunday evening, - Yamaban. --