Le 22/04/2023 à 20:19, Lew Wolfgang a écrit :
On 4/22/23 10:31, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
dd if=isofile of=/dev/sdx bs=4M
Did you try another USB stick? I had cases when there were no errors during write but USB stick happily returned zeroes for the half of its capacity.
I've heard about fraudulent high-capacity USB sticks that can be purchased on Amazon. Make sure you purchase name-brand sticks, they may cost more and be of lower
not true. counterfakes products may have nice brand names. Some time ago I tested this (on aliexpress, not amazon - and have been refunded), I have perfectly nice looking kingston, including blister, that are obvious fakes. uses (windows) h2tstw or f3 (same for linux) to test them. but the per problem seems to me different (two different models) jdd -- mon serveur usenet: dodin.fr.nf c'est quoi, usenet? http://www.dodin.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Usenet.Usenet